SALINGER The Official Book

SALINGER The Official Book

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Over the years I have had at least three book or writing projects suggested, asked for, etc. by people who could print and publish them that I was fortunate to encounter. Some of them did publish a few articles of mine but when it came to books some other things intervened and diverted things, so nothing came of them except some manuscripts of a sort and some other items along the same way. I was asked by a national educational journal in another country to compile or write a book with this sort of title,A FRIENDLY FOREIGNER. My book and another book by a more prominent contributor to the JOURNAL never got anywhere, although his was actually published before mine and did not sell,etc. so the project to publish educational books was abandoned. Another book project in that same country by a different group of friends and associates, also educaitonal in scope, dealt with a mathematics text book which for various reasons was not published as I had envisioned and left me standing on the corner, in the wind and sun and rain, so to speak, but which proved to be a lesson of importance. The third 'GREAT PROJECT' when I was in that same country, came from a publisher in the US who took my materials and pictures,etc. and was to publish such but then decided not to and to go out of business and sell the company and also the magazine he had established and published and edited and it can still be found on the stands these days, even though he is passed away. Another US Publisher in the same field but with some different orientations wanted me to do a book for him, or rather update and improve a 'special course' he had printed and sold around the world for years,but this did not materialize. I could also mention two or three other 'writing projects' envisioned and partially accepted by some editors/publishers that also were returned to me for different reasons. One of them was that the actual publisher of the periodical became extremely irate when I sort of 'stepped on his toes' in some statements I made to the editor that was looking at my stuff. My friends had all recommended me to the mag(s). Eventually, the mags were discontinued by the real owner of all them and he returned to his first type of magazine love. Many of them are perhaps still on the stands now.


Several have asked me about my 'writings' and why I am unpublished for the most part,etc. I began my 'writing' career in around the 5th grade at the South Cornish One-
Room School that, at that time, handled grades 1-4. My first 'published writings' came into being then when MRS. SMITH(about whom I plan to say more about in other blogs) set up what is known as a 'hectograph', a device now rendered obsolete by various copying devices, scanners, printers,etc. and other electronic media,etc. Printing on a hectograph required several steps and some materials. I shall not go into the full details of this process, now long forgotten by most classroom teachers of this day and age, now the 21st Century. Encouraged to write stories and things in class(all students were) some of mine, based in part of the comicstrip, TINY TIM & also THE LITTLE PEOPLE, were 'published' in the small school paper that our school created under Mrs. Smith. Although at one time, I had most of the copies done on the hectograph, they vanished later, when perhaps some relatives,etc. of mine disposed of them as of little or no significance to the literary world along with other things of mine of a like nature.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Two things that Jack K. and L. Ron had in common was their special typing methods: Both used long rolls of paper to type at their leisure and crank-out speed, their manuscripts. L. Ron had so many ideas and plots for his fiction, not to mention his other writings, that he had to 'speed-up' something that all of us need to do as we 'age','grow older' etc. rather than slow down and take life easy. This latter view and belief is fine for young people who have all the time in the world. Both Jack K. and L. Ron knew they had little time to accomplish all they wanted or had set out to do. Jack K. had so many thoughts that using the standard,single sheet of paper on the mechanical typewriters of the time(which I still prefer over the new computer types) took too much time and led to loss of thought not to mention rhythm!

Friday, August 28, 2009


Everything I write nowadays is so indefomote. extremely vague, for most people who any of it. To SPEAK is not to SAY. Do you know the exact difference between saying something and speaking something?

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Even if people author things,that is, claim copyrights and the like, they do NOT always possess, or even if they claim they do, AUTHORITY for what they have written! AUTHORITY of and for writings is not the same as AUTHORSHIP! Thus, you can be an authority without having written a thing! Even if you have written on a subject, you may not be an actual authority. Yet, if you find writings, such as these blogs, authoritative in tone, scope, nature, theme, thesis, and subject, then who is the author? If you make any of these ideas your own, under the best possible circumstances are you an authority and are you, thereby, authorized to author them?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

JDS or J.D.S.

NEW HAMPSHIRE MAGAZINE has an interesting article entitled,'SEEKING SALINGER' by Kevin Flynn and some interesting illustrations by Marc Sutherland, plus a 'EXTRA! EXTRA! by Edward Jackson Bennett. I suggest that fans of Salinger purchase the issue and also to subscribe to the magazine. They can contact the editor at via e-mail. For the rest of this topic, please go to YANKEE BOYHOOD, another blog.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


My letter to the Editor of UNH MAGAZINE was published in the SPRING 2009 issue pp. 4- 21-38 in the section LETTERS TO THE EDITOR under the topic heading: DEBATING DAGGETT CONTINUES.


This topic will deal specifically with book reviews of authors whom I have been privileged to meet and whose autographed books are in my possession at present. Some of them are martial artists as is to be expected but there are other areas involved. Reviews of these books will follow when time permits.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Prior to the publication of BLACK BELT MAGAZINE only a few publications existed that could actually be termed martial arts magazines. Prior to BB( as it is often called) the first US magazine that dealt with martial arts was JUDO DIGEST and had early karate, jiu-jitsu, kendo,etc. articles and photos but it soon ceased publication after around 6-7 issues. I was a subscriber and still have all of them. I had planned to donate them to the HAWAII KARATE MUSEUM and may still do so some day. BLACK BELT MAGAZINE was the recipient of several letters to the editors/publishers from me over a period of years. My name has been mentioned in their archival reprints of the notable features,items, and covers of the old issues, which the new owners had two ORIGINAL AND VALUABLE sets ,ONE OF WHICH THEY SACRIFICED for placing on the internet! The entire set was torn apart and sliced up to do this as the process is not like actual printing or archiving otherwise. To set the record straight, I have had only ONE ARTICLE published by Black Belt, but I do have several rejection slips or letters from them,one of which is perhaps the more interesting of all of them. It was a rejection of an article of mine by the owner/publisher at the time,signed by him, of an article on CHINESE YOGA, which he felt had not place in a martial arts magazine. NOW, just look at the numerous Qi Gong, Yoga, etc. articles in martial arts magazines but in magazines devoted entirely to such!


I plan to make a grand list of my articles that have been published over the years in various magazines and also to make a list of publications where my 'LETTERS TO EDITORS' have appeared, knowing full well, that many of them are lost and incomplete listings may well be impossible. I have written a number of articles that are not on martial arts and I was at one time better known as a writer in the Philippines than in the US. So any of you interested in all these details on my literary excursions and efforts(minimal as they have been fiction-wise) please bear with me and be most patient. I have to say also that many of my thoughts, plots, and 'real' writings are on scraps of paper in the form of notes, ramblings, and rantings, and so forth, all of which I can never really sort out or sift through unless I become a millionaire(unlikely now) and have the time and patience and energy to compile and make coherent. So I hope you who may read this, and get this far, will accept this literary confession of mine in good faith and good humor.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


SOONIPI MAGAZINE is an excellent publication. E-mail them at Will have more to say on this later.


This paper can be seen at and the e-mail address is the Will have more to say about this paper.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Over the years I have met a few writers of both fiction and non-fiction,with the latter being more focused in martial arts than other subjects, but I hope to list the writers/authors and their specific books, some of which they have kindly autographed for me. As of now, I have a bit of work to do to accomplish this task. It is quite likely that any of you reading this, if you can, will know any of these writers or their books.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009