SALINGER The Official Book

SALINGER The Official Book

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Several have asked me about my 'writings' and why I am unpublished for the most part,etc. I began my 'writing' career in around the 5th grade at the South Cornish One-
Room School that, at that time, handled grades 1-4. My first 'published writings' came into being then when MRS. SMITH(about whom I plan to say more about in other blogs) set up what is known as a 'hectograph', a device now rendered obsolete by various copying devices, scanners, printers,etc. and other electronic media,etc. Printing on a hectograph required several steps and some materials. I shall not go into the full details of this process, now long forgotten by most classroom teachers of this day and age, now the 21st Century. Encouraged to write stories and things in class(all students were) some of mine, based in part of the comicstrip, TINY TIM & also THE LITTLE PEOPLE, were 'published' in the small school paper that our school created under Mrs. Smith. Although at one time, I had most of the copies done on the hectograph, they vanished later, when perhaps some relatives,etc. of mine disposed of them as of little or no significance to the literary world along with other things of mine of a like nature.

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